Marketing in the media is different though the whole of the media as it involves different things such as:
A sales executive job is to sell advertising space to make more for their company in the different industries .in the radio industry would be responsible for generating income by sell advertising space during the show, but in the interactive industry you would sell advert space on your website or search engines and in the film industry you sell cinema space before films start for adverts. In the print industry you would sell advertising slot in a newspaper or magazine. You also can sell product placement in films where companies will give them money to put their product in a film or TV.
The film promotion side of the sector involves trailer, posters and standees. Companies that make trailers for films, games or music their job are to promote the film, games or music and to get the public taking about it. An artist or graphic designer would design and make the posters and standee, which are all used to promote the film. Promotion in the internet industry you would you have to make viral adverts which would promotion and that viral advert may contain links to an official website or a facebook page where you find out information.
A publicist job is to promote the client by arranging interviews with TV or newspapers, to arrange photo shoots. The publicist would have to ensure that their client gets good coverage in all media industries.